Now if you are trying to be very clever and wanting to prove that a blog didn't exist before certain date, you could do a Google custom search for that date using the blog's name as your search term and show a result that showed the site was indexed.
You could then do a search for the previous day and show it wasn't indexed. If you were trying to show how much of an expert you are you might even say it was a "Googlewhack".
You could then point out that the first blog post was time stamped on the day in question.
You could then claim that that "proved" the blog only came into existence on that day.
However, you'd only do that if you didn't understand that:
a:) Google can take days, and sometimes even weeks to index a blog, and therefore your clever search is actually an indicator that the blog had probably been in existence for some time before the post was made.
As it says here:
It is very important to note that Google could take from a day or two to
up to several weeks before it decides to act upon the submitted website
and crawl and index the site in its search results.
b:) You don't understand that a blog can have content which is not dated like the Pages on this site (of which this is one), which predate the creation of the first blog post.
You'd not be much of an expert if you did that but your client might be happy because you were telling them what they wanted to hear. (See
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